Thanks, that was actually helpful. It appears to be saying that it can't create directories? Why would the shell script be able to create directories from a test folder I dumped some of the same files into... but not when its getting proper paths from a smart folder list?
So this seems more like a shell script permissioning issue with smart folders? Than it is directly a Hazel issue it would appear but I can't really elevate the permissions with sudo without a prompt so if its running headless through Hazel I'm not sure how to overcome that as the "Unarchive" function in Hazel doesn't seem to be handling everything I've got like 7zip files, and something like Unarchiver while it handles them likes to load EVERYTHING into memory even after it's decompressed them that Hazels more metered approach is great for a silent background task operation where I can just let it run, but I need the smart folder to more easily traverse the folders per previous Hazel recommendations.
Any advice would be appreciated.