Applescript to add document to Paperless App

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Moderators: Mr_Noodle, Moderators

set this_file to theFile
set the_category to "Personal"
set the_title to "My Title"

set theLibraryName to "Paperless Library"
tell application "Finder"
set the_title to name of this_file
set the_date to creation date of this_file

tell application "Paperless"

set theDoc to (the first library whose name is theLibraryName)
tell theDoc
set result to make new document with properties {title:the_title, category:the_category, date:the_date, file:this_file as alias}
--set result to make new receipt with properties {merchant:the_title, date:the_date, file:this_file}
add result without prompting
end tell
end tell
end tell
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